On Monday, Lucknow witnessed the arrival of Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff who made a power packed entry at the promotional event of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan which was held in the picturesque city. After they briefly interacted with fans and started distributing merchandise, things turned chaotic, even resulting in lathi charge. Followed by the massive uproar and videos of the incident going viral on social media, many users have taken to the platform to apologize for the same.
Bade Miyan Chote Miyan: Netizens apologize to Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff after Lucknow fan frenzy turns unruly; say, “Choose a better place next time”
The social media buzzed with the aftermath as fans from Lucknow flooded platforms with apologies, expressing remorse for the unintended chaos. One user wrote, “Fortunately I witnessed this live but want to apologize on behalf of those people who misbehaved with both of you. Next time choose a better place for the promotions of your future projects. All the best for your upcoming film.” Yet another defended the city adding how a few rotten apples end up ruining the name of a beautiful city, “I m from Lucknow… and sorry for the behaviour of the people of lucknow sir. Kuch jahil saale aajate hai concert mein unki wajah se sab badnaam hote hai… hamara lucknow tahjeeb wala seher hai (some uneducated idiots end up causing these in a concert and because of them, our name is spoilt. Our city is quite decent but it is ruined because of them).”
For the unversed, after the actors captured the attention of the audience with thrilling aerial stunts, Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff started throwing merchandise towards the fans, which resulted in them breaking the barricades. Furthermore, it resulted in many also throwing chappals towards the stage, because of which the actors decided to end the event much before scheduled time.
Speaking of the film, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan also starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Manushi Chhillar, Alaya F, and Sonakshi Sinha in a cameo, is slated to release during Eid 2024.
More Pages: Bade Miyan Chote Miyan Box Office Collection
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