Fans of Nia Sharma, best known for her role in shows like Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai, Jamai Raja, and Naagin, are excited to see her in a negative role in the upcoming show Suhagan Chudail. After a promo was unveiled with the actress as the ‘ultimate witch’ in search of a husband, COLORS has dropped another promo of the upcoming fantasy-thriller-romance show starring Nia Sharma as Nishigandha, Debchandrima Singha Roy as Deeya, and Aashiqana actor Zayn Ibad Khan as Moksh.
Colors drops new promo of Nia Sharma as Suhagan Chudail attempting to take away the ‘true love’ of Debchandrima Singha Roy aka Deeya
Suhagan Chudail hints at the impending war between true love and otherworldly power. In this spellbinding saga, the solah singaar becomes a double-edged talisman- it acts as a dangerous weapon when wielded by Nishigandha, the evil chudail, but serves as a protective sacred charm for Deeya. Known as the ‘Sixteen adornments’ cherished by every woman, the solah shringaar will spark an epic battle between both, as it will show the power of love pitted against the thirst of a Chudail.
Talking about essaying the role of ‘Suhagan Chudail’, Nia Sharma said, “I’m absolutely thrilled to reunite with Colors for the fantasy thriller after the incredible journey of ‘Naagin’. Stepping into the multi-layered role of Nishigandha, the seductive Chudail on a quest for ultimate power, is an exciting challenge. It will be thrilling to witness the epic battle between Nishigandha’s alluring powers and Deeya’s unconditional love, taking audiences on a ride filled with suspense, drama, and dark mystery.”
Debchandrima Singha Roy who will be essaying Deeya’s character shared, “I’m grateful to be foraying into Hindi television with this show. This is a dream debut for me, and I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. The fantasy genre has always hooked me, and to be part of a show that blends fantasy, thriller, and romance is more than exciting.” Portraying the role of Moksh, Zayn Ibad Khan added, “Being a part of a fantasy thriller for the first time is an exhilarating experience altogether. Not to mention, I’m in awe of the level of detail and creativity that has gone into bringing this fantastical world to life. It will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, and I look forward to receiving a lot of love from them.”
Suhagan Chudail will premiere on May 27 and will be airing at 10:30 pm from Monday to Friday on Colors.
Also Read: Colors announces Laxmi Narayan; mythological show to go on air from April 22
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