A video showing a man performing a dangerous stunt on a national highway in Bengaluru has gone viral on social media, prompting action from the police. The 21-second clip shows a man on his two-wheeler performing the student and two other people recording the same while riding another vehicle. The video, which was uploaded on Thursday by X user ThirdEye, sparked a conversation about the problems with road safety brought on by people pulling off risky stunts on busy roads.
According to the user, the incident took place around 10 am on March 13, 2024, on Hosur National Highway. He also added that the man who was performing the stunt was riding the vehicle without a number plate. He wrote, “This dangerous stunt was performed today on 13 March 2024 around 9:50 AM near Chandapura Junction on Hosur national Highway. The rider who performed the stunt was riding a two wheeler without number plate, and his friends who followed the bike and shot the video. Their vehicle number is AP39 EC141.”
This dangerous stunt was performed today on 13 March 2024 around 9:50 AM near Chandapura Junction on Hosur national Highway. The rider who performed the stunt was riding a two wheeler without number plate, and his friends who followed the bike and shot the video. Their vehicle… pic.twitter.com/nCZOqMAskm
— ThirdEye (@3rdEyeDude) March 14, 2024
He tagged the Bengaluru Traffic Police to look into the matter and take appropriate action.
Bengaluru Traffic Police responded to the user’s post after assessing the video. Further, Anekal Police Station was directed to investigate the post by the Bengaluru District Police’s official X handle.
Since being shared, the video has amassed a lot of reactions from social media. Many raised concerns about the safety of roads in Bengaluru.
“These kind of gangs operate across blore. Same age groups,similar vehicles, same process. More on weekends. Beware and stay away,” said a user.
“Award him with cane,” commented a person.
A third added, “At this point anyone without a number plate or altered number plate should be considered a possible criminal.”
“The same happens on blr mysore express way and they act like others are coming in their way,” shared a user.
A person said, “They should try their luck in the circus not here.”