Last year, Mohit Suri confirmed that he is teaming up with Akshay Kumar on an action thriller, which will be produced by ace filmmaker, Rohit Shetty. Soon after, Bollywood Hungama reported that the film in question is a psychological-based action thriller and has been titled Psycho. The makers were all set to take the film on floors in January 2024. However, now we can exclusively inform our readers that the much-awaited combo of Akshay and Mohit is no longer happening.
Akshay Kumar, Rohit Shetty and Mohit Suri’s Psycho shelved; sources cite creative differences
According to sources close to the development, Akshay, Mohit, and Rohit were not on the same page about the script and the story treatment. “While Mohit and Akshay wanted the film to be in a certain genre, Rohit wanted it to be in a slightly commercial space. After making attempts to balance out the script, the makers were not satisfied with the outcome. Finally, after a series of meetings, they decided to shelve the film in the best interest of the audience,” a source told Bollywood Hungama.
The source further informed us that this isn’t the first time that Akshay and Mohit nearly collaborated on a film. “They have been trying to team up for a while now. The discussions have been on since 2018, but the stars are not aligning. But Akshay is fond of Mohit and will surely work with him in the near future,” the source told us further.
Akshay is now looking to start Housefull 5 for Sajid Nadiadwala in 2024. He is meanwhile looking to wrap up films like KC Shankaran Biopic, and patch work of Khel Khel Mein. Akshay’s next for the big screen is Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.
Also Read: CONFIRMED! Akshay Kumar NOT in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3; clarifies director Anees Bazmee
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