Actor and model Sahil Salathia is all set to launch his own clothing line. The actor is opening a digital clothing store named Sahil Salathia Store that will have his own Capsule collection. Excited about this new venture, the actor said, “I have a large part of my tribe who like to make a statement and dress in a cool manner. So, all the guys who keep sending me so many questions and so much love about my outfits and want to dress like me, this store is all about them.”
Actor Sahil Salathia to launch his own clothing line for men
Sahil revealed that all the pieces in his store will be handpicked and approved by him. Moreover, the pieces will come only from various homegrown brands. “It’s a very important aspect of the brand that it’s all home grown. It has to be Indian brands. The outfits will be picked from these boutique home grown brands. I will be wearing them and that’s when they’ll be in the store,” he asserted.
From the jackets, trousers to the sunglasses that Sahil will wear, it will all be available in the digital store for the customers to buy. He added, “Every month or two, I will come up with a Capsule collection that will be very exclusive. There will be a certain number of pieces only and anyone can go and buy it from there. So, it’s an extension of my style, my personality and all the love I get for it. Whatever I wear, it’s for all the fashion forward men in India to go and buy.”
The actor shared that since the pieces are from home-grown brands, a certain number of them will be kept aside and all the fresh pieces will go to the rightful owners. “I am very excited. It’s going to be very exclusive, niché yet accessible at the same time. The point is that if you like the statement, you make it. There’s no need to wait. You go to the store, buy it and make the statement,” Sahil concluded.
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