Gulshan Devaiah is all set to star in the upcoming film titled Little Thomas. It’s directed by the National Award-winning filmmaker Kaushal Oza and produced under the banner of Good Bad Films. The dramedy, also featuring Rasika Dugal in the lead role alongside Gulshan, takes viewers on a journey into the charming and simple life of a Goan family.
Gulshan Devaiah to tell the story of a Goan family in Little Thomas
Sharing his reaction at bagging the film, Gulshan said in a statement, “I am thrilled to be a part of Little Thomas, a unique blend of drama and comedy that resonates with the essence of family bonds. It’s a heartwarming story of a simple family and it’s been very fulfilling to do this film. Working with the talented Kaushal Oza and sharing the screen with Rasika Dugal has been a satisfying experience. This year has been wonderful with some amazing work that has happened. Little Thomas is genuinely a little gem, and heartwarming story. I am very happy to be part of such wholesome stories.”
The film, shot in the picturesque locations of Mumbai and Goa, recently concluded its production phase. It aims to provide an engaging narrative that explores the intricacies of familial relationships.
Gulshan Devaiah’s upcoming slate of films includes not only Little Thomas but also Ulajh with Janhvi Kapoor and Roshan Matthew, along with few other projects. This year, the actor has been seen in a series of interesting web shows like Dahaad, Guns & Gulaabs and the recently released Duranga season 2, along with the movie 8 AM Metro.
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