With Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan gave yet another Rs. 1000 crore super blockbuster for the second time this year in theatres. The actor had kicked off 2023 with Pathaan followed by Jawan and will end it with Dunki. With three releases this year, the superstar remains unstoppable at the box office. As the fans have kicked off his 58th birthday celebrations, Jawan is set to arrive on streaming service Netflix on his birthday on November 2, 2023.
Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan to premiere on Netflix on his birthday on November 2 with extended cut
Fans can rejoice that it’s a triple celebration day on November 2 with SRK’s birthday, Jawan’s arrival on Netflix and Dunki’s first teaser arrival. A video has gone viral on social media where it has been revealed that the Atlee directorial will arrive on the platform with an extended cut.
Jawan on Netflix on 2nd November ???? pic.twitter.com/EanNAkqagK
— SRKian Faizy ( FAN ) (@SrkianFaizy9955) October 31, 2023
Along with Shah Rukh Khan, the film also stars Nayanthara, and Vijay Sethupathi in pivotal roles, and Deepika Padukone in a special appearance, along with Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Girija Oak, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Lehar Khan, Aaliyah Qureshi, Ridhi Dogra, Sunil Grover and Mukesh Chhabra.
Jawan is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation directed by Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The film was released worldwide in theatres on September 7th, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
ALSO READ: Shah Rukh Khan song ‘Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya’ was originally intended to be shot in Abu Dhabi, but extreme heat and prosthetic makeup forced a change
More Pages: Jawan Box Office Collection , Jawan Movie Review
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