Palak Purswani, who gained popularity with shows like Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke, web-series Dil Hi Toh Hai, Roohaniyat, and the recent Bigg Boss OTT Season 2. While the actress managed to create quite a bit of stir during her short stint on the show wherein she appeared with her ex-fiance Avinash Sachdev, is expected to have bagged an interesting project. According to sources, the actress is all set to be part of an upcoming web-series titled Flight Attendant.
Bigg Boss OTT fame Palak Purswani to be seen in upcoming web-series Flight Attendant
At this point, not much is known about the project but sources say that the show will star Palak Purswani in a pivotal role and it will be made by Bodhi Tree. Her character is being said to be a cheerful and lively girl. The series is also rumoured to star Kanika Mann and Sanam Johar. Palak has previously shared screen space with Kanika in Roohaniyat which was also produced by Bodhi Tree. Palak and Kanika’s characters are said to be close friends and share a warm bond on the show. The series is likely to be streaming on Hungama Play soon.
Post the success of her stint in Bigg Boss OTT Season 2, the actress continued to stay in touch with her co-contestants and many of them even attended Purswani’s birthday.
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