With only two weeks left before the release of Jawan, the anticipation for the Atlee directorial starring Shah Rukh Khan is on a full-time high. SRK and his looks in Jawan have intrigued the audiences since the launch of the prevue. The two songs ‘Zinda Banda’ and ‘Chaleya’, released in three languages, have also intrigued the audiences. Now, the makers plan to hold a grand audio launch in Chennai on August 30, 2023.
Jawan: Shah Rukh Khan to join Nayanthara, Atlee in Chennai for grand audio launch on August 30
It is being reported that Shah Rukh Khan will join his co-star Nayanthara and director Atlee Kumar in Chennai on August 30 for the event. It is also a special occasion as the country will be celebrating the festival of Raksha Bandhan. It is also said that music composer Anirudh Ravichander will be in attendance and fans can expect a grand audio launch event.
Furthermore, the advance bookings for Jawan will reportedly start in India on August 27. It has already begun overseas.
Jawan is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation directed by Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The film will be released worldwide in theatres on September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
ALSO READ: Jawan: Shah Rukh Khan unveils the many faces of justice in new riveting poster: “There’s a purpose behind every face”
More Pages: Jawan Box Office Collection
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